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Heather Tackett

Gonzaga University

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

What Makes GU Special?

The Jesuit education philosophy makes Gonzaga University Special. It is a call to human excellence. This philosophy is woven throughout the programs and courses at GU. The Jesuits are committed to building knowledge not only for the mind but also for the heart. It means forming a well-rounded, critical and disciplined thinker who is able to contribute both intellectually and socially to the human experience.

Developing the whole person is more easily facilitated in smaller classroom settings. Ranked 79th in the nation according to US news, Gonzaga has over 70 undergraduate programs with an average class size is 22. The more intimate setting positively affected my academic and personal growth. My professors knew me by name. I could easily find them during office hours, and they always worked with me so that I could be my best.

I have adult ADHD. I am part of the one-third who never outgrew my symptoms and was not diagnosed until I was 19. Teachers had excuses for my problems as a child. I was too talkative, a day dreamer and a social butterfly. I was “just being a girl” and fulfilling some sexist architype. Too often, ADHD is misdiagnosed or overlooked in females. Despite having above average grades in high school, having ADHD can be challenging when the routine changes. It also exacerbates my anxiety disorder. Thrust into a new state with new people and no routine to ease the symptoms, the transition was overwhelming. After my official diagnosis, Gonzaga sought to provide me options to give me a learning experience on par with those who did not face the same struggles. The office of disabilities worked with me to me to schedule exams using isolated testing facilities. I was also allowed time-and-a-half to finish my tests. I significantly improved my focus, markedly lowered my anxiety and thus improved my understanding. Because of my enriching experience, I knew I would go back for my Master's in Communications Leadership.

The human experience is diverse and Jesuit education provides a pathway for those who learn differently to excel. Gonzaga University never viewed me as an incompetent student. The ability to recognize the potential for human excellence sets Gonzaga University apart.


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