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Firenze, Italy


Photo By Heather Tackett

The Radical, The humanist, The Noble

The Writers

The Serpent Queen and The Poison Queen

The Medici Queens

The Painters and the Muses

The Arts

Nevertheless, She Persisted

The Renaissance was a re-birth of classical Greek and Roman ideals as Italy moved out of the Middle Ages. The idea of patria potestas, the power of the father, subsequently created the weaponization of a woman's ability to bear children in order to preserve the family line (Iacob, 2022). In a time of great political instability, women in Italy became currency used to secure political power. Marriages operated as strategic institutions and women were bound to their families. The women of the renaissance were commanded to be obedient to their authoritarian male counterparts. Society demanded them to be chaste, and virtuous. There were few options aside from marriage for woman: be a nun or be a prostitute. Some even question if there was a Renaissance for the women of Italy or if life was even harder still (Cohn, 1996). Advances for women were much slower than men during this time. In spite of the male oppression and the looming threat to one's chastity, existed phenomenal women whose tremendous impact on history cannot go unoticed. 
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Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Photo By Heather Tackett

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